Consumed with wedding thoughts on a daily basis, I think it's a good idea if I start with a recap of what's been done thusfar... mostly because I get so scattered with thoughts like "ooh! look at those adorable paper lotus candle holders! DIY mode!" that I forget that my venue doesn't allow candles. Taking stock of what you have definitely helps you move forward. So let's start with the venue!
This was the first thing we settled on, as everything else is basically dependent on it. It was certainly a challenge. I spent about 4 months nonstop researching any possible venue in the state, and nothing was right. With the prevelance of outdoor weddings on sites like SMP and Green Wedding Shoes, finding a barn or other outdoor space was my first thought. Then, I walked outside and my allergies told me otherwise. Venue shopping a year prior was fantastic in that respect, because I would have told myself "no big deal, I'll just pop a xyrtec!" when really I'd be puffy-eyed and sneezing the whole time - not exactly the bridal look I'm going for, just sayin'.
So with my focus set on indoor spaces, I found that there was always something wrong with the venues - and I'm not an especially picky person! There'd either be no air conditioning, no alcohol, no outsider caterers, or there was either too big, too small, too much money, too far away, too hard to get to, too plain, too ornate... I mean c'mon! Give me a break! After months of research I found a museum that had the modern touch I was looking for. So, I bring J into the mix and send him the link with baited breath. His response?
iiiiiiiiiiit... left something to be desired.
He didn't think it was as great as I did, which goes back to this whole long distance problem. If we were co-located, he'd be ecstatic that I'd finally picked a place because I would have been bothering him everyday with the constant "whaddaya think of this place??". All that he saw was that it was expensive and didn't accept outside catering. We're not really a fan of a lot of rules... watch out Homeowners Associations!
Defeated, I begrudgingly moved on. But to what? Everything else was somehow wrong and I'd looked at every other place. I had hit my first planning wall. This was supposed to be fun! Why is this one thing taking FOUR MONTHS?
So one Saturday night, I'm huddled around the glow of the computer screen - yes, a Saturday night. Yes, FH lives out of state so I have no life. Anyway, I'm on page 16 of a google search for "banquet facilities" because I'm searching every possible thing that a reception hall could be listed under. My eyeballs are fried and it's approaching the musical guest segment on SNL when I spy a little place that I've never seen before. I click the link, expecting it to be some swanky advertising agency or something but no, this is an actual venue. o_o... O_O!!!
Look at you, venue! How modern... but rustic!
So I immediately start spazzing out and instead of playing it cool, send an equally spazzy email to the listed contact, and wait until Monday. I get a sweet email back from a lovely lady who answers all of my questions (with all of my desired answers!). They were awesome - in budget, driving distance, and super relaxed. See that fan? It has a label on it that reads "big ass fan". Yes, yes it does. After a walkthrough with by dad, we could totally imagine having the reception there and were set on it. J came up a few weekends later and came along with FMIL, my parents and I to see it and they agreed - we found it!
Carlton-esque joy ensued, of course
And thus, I had my first checkmark on the wedding board!
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