Saturday, April 9, 2011

So Uhh... Do You Have a Date?

With the venue finally chosen, our next step was picking a date and settling it with the church. All we knew was that we wanted it to be October, a month right before the first freeze... J's a big dude, so he's a big fan of cooler weather and I can remember shivering every single Halloween while growing up, wondering why the warmth just wouldn't last a few days longer! My first thought was October 8th since I'm one of those weirdos that love even numbers. It was the only number in my head... until I checked our alma mater's football schedule and saw that the biggest game of the season is that day. grumble grumble... I definitely don't want to be "that bride" who made everyone miss the game, so I looked at good ol' 22... which happens to be FSIL's birthday. Well, I don't want to take away from that either! So now we're right in the middle with the 15th.

It's not a day with any particular meaning to me, and I didn't especially like that it was an icky odd number, flanked by our odd year, 2011. With a bit of research I found out that it happens to be an auspicious day (along with like every other Saturday in October, actually) and it's something called Sweetest Day - a candy company manufactured holiday, apparently. Whatever - I could have done worse, I guess! Even though I had no prior emotional connection to our chosen wedding day, being over half a year into planning it's a day that I think of fondly and with excitement. Exactly a month after my parents' wedding anniversary, I'll be marrying the best guy I know, someone who I'm head over heels in love with, and that's plenty enough to make it a special day to me.

I met with the priest and he was able to put us down for that date, so with it solidified we went back and signed with our awesome venue!

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